Friday 14 November 2008

The exhibition space changes the meaning of a film in many ways because the space it is shown in can be how ever an artist wants it to be inturpreted and people can work out how it is supposed to be positioned also the artist can make the film to fit the exhibition space so an artist can make a whole film on were its being shown. dominque gonsalez shows a film at the top of his exhibition in a big hall not only so the art fits into it its so everyone can see the film and see the work at the same time and his art fit the size of the exhibition hall were as susan hillers peice doesn't it is made to go in the room you watch it in as it fits in perfect the way you show a film depends on how people view it. the way the artist wants it to be inturpated in the room is explained on the outside of the room but the real feel of the exhibition is inside the room it is place once again susan hillers film's are very diffrent and dark and mestirious in the room it is placed compared to dominics were it is place in a big light airy hall were it is rather light and has sound of rain to add to the effect. exhibition space is a very important part of film making you need to know were your airing the film so you can get the way your going to show the film right.