Tuesday 30 September 2008

Gisele Kerozene and Telling Lies

Gisele Kerozene is a particularly weird but wonderful experimental film which has been cleverly crafted. this film is in stop motion animation which shows that the director has a very good skill. this film is colour and has many weird and wacky characters with a sense of humor this film is non digetic even though can see the characters speaking the stop motion means you cannot do it with live sound. the main presence is to show that the director and editors are very skillfull. my opinion of this film is that its very entertaining and very funny and a brilliant example of a film

Telling lies is a very funny and truthful film even though the title is telling lies it is a completly true film. it is done in a very clever and skilled way as the person is talking the text of what there thinking. this is a non digetic film because the voices are off the frame you cannot see who is talking or what they look like. I particually enjoyed this film because of the comedy eliments of the film and the clever and dramatic way the director has used text and the voices to make a real great eliment

Monday 29 September 2008

koyaanisqatski and 1001 nights

koyaanisqatski is an very unique and quite intresting film with its colourful picturs and the main story of this film is the balance of life as its translated by name its a non digestic sound track because its out of the frame you cannot see people talking or anything along thoses lines, my overall opinion is this film can be unintresting but at times can be very enjoyable and quite unique and exciting

the other film we watched was 1001 nights this film was so very diffrent to koyaanisqatski this film was in colour yes but thats all you really compare to koyaanisqatski. 1001 nights just has people sat there with there eyes closed this could represent the people dreaming then they begin speaking with there eyes open one by one and tell diffrent storys which seem weird and dream like!! this is digestic because you can see the people talking and they are in the frame. i found this film quite touching but at times very boring because it took time for the people to change story also it wasnt a very fast paced or entertaning but a very political film

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Brighton Pictures

In the first image is a coke can on a rock. I did this image in the style of martin parr because i believe that it was a fictional image because me and my companion placed the coke can on top of the rock so this image was completely sent up !

the next image is of a piegon this image was set up aswell because we used chocolate to set up this image as the piegon moved toward the chocolate i got this shot and was going to be the only shot i would be able to get so i feel proud that i got such a good picture !

Experimental Video My Opinion

Something that is experimental means that its something your going to try out and start with new endveours . it gives you a chance to play about and see how to use a camera and what its like to make a video before you take on higher and harder videos for bigger tasks.

[adjective] relating to or based on experiment; "experimental physics"
[adjective] relying on observation or experiment; "experimental results that supported the hypothesis"Synonyms:
data-based, observational
[adjective] of the nature of or undergoing an experiment; "an experimental drug"; "a pilot project"; "a test run"; "a trial separation"


experimental is also known as a test. for some one to test out what there abilites and there overall quality of the work they can do also it gets you to find out what you are best at doing so an experimental video is something that you can get to know your own personal abilites.

no jokes with this !