Tuesday 30 September 2008

Gisele Kerozene and Telling Lies

Gisele Kerozene is a particularly weird but wonderful experimental film which has been cleverly crafted. this film is in stop motion animation which shows that the director has a very good skill. this film is colour and has many weird and wacky characters with a sense of humor this film is non digetic even though can see the characters speaking the stop motion means you cannot do it with live sound. the main presence is to show that the director and editors are very skillfull. my opinion of this film is that its very entertaining and very funny and a brilliant example of a film

Telling lies is a very funny and truthful film even though the title is telling lies it is a completly true film. it is done in a very clever and skilled way as the person is talking the text of what there thinking. this is a non digetic film because the voices are off the frame you cannot see who is talking or what they look like. I particually enjoyed this film because of the comedy eliments of the film and the clever and dramatic way the director has used text and the voices to make a real great eliment

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