Tuesday 23 September 2008

Experimental Video My Opinion

Something that is experimental means that its something your going to try out and start with new endveours . it gives you a chance to play about and see how to use a camera and what its like to make a video before you take on higher and harder videos for bigger tasks.

[adjective] relating to or based on experiment; "experimental physics"
[adjective] relying on observation or experiment; "experimental results that supported the hypothesis"Synonyms:
data-based, observational
[adjective] of the nature of or undergoing an experiment; "an experimental drug"; "a pilot project"; "a test run"; "a trial separation"


experimental is also known as a test. for some one to test out what there abilites and there overall quality of the work they can do also it gets you to find out what you are best at doing so an experimental video is something that you can get to know your own personal abilites.

no jokes with this !

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