Tuesday 7 October 2008


1.The 3 main artists I have chosen are John smith (girl chewing gum), Jan kounen (Gisele Kerozene) and Simon Ellis (telling lies). These films are all very different styles and era’s, for example the girl chewing gum was created in the 1970’s by john smith this film is very different to all the other films firstly it is in black and white were as the other films are in colour secondly there are no actors they are all real people in a real world also it has a very weird sound track because it is non diegetic but you could argue that it is diegetic because he is saying what’s in the frame but it could have been recorded after the piece of footage was made. The premise of the film is to make you believe that he is actually directing the film from were you see the camera but the director isn’t actually there it’s a voice over and then he begins making up stories to the people but it also confuses the audience because when it goes onto a field but with city noises you think why are there cars when we can’t see a car around. This a concept based film because its all about how the director feels about his film not the craft of making it because its just simple footage and the film is at a quite fast pace showing the pace of life really.The only comparison for telling lies by Simon Ellis and John smith’s girl chewing gum is that they are films the comparison ends there. In telling lies, this is different once again to the other films. This film is a text based film, also it is in colour even though it is text because the text changes colour. You could also argue over this film because its not visual so when the soundtrack is playing of the people you could say that its diegetic but then you can say its non diegetic because you can’t actually see the people talking. Also this film is very visual compared to the other films. The premise of this film is telling lies when you are talking to one of your friends or family and you don’t want them to know the truth so you tell them a lie but in your head your thinking about what your saying and really taking the Mick out of the person your talking to! This film is a craft based film the way they get the text to sink in with the peoples voices is a skill which the director has used in a very clever way also the pace of this film is fast and slow depending who “Phil” is talking to.The final film to compare with telling lies and girl chewing gum is Gisele Kerozene. This film is in colour like telling lies and is unlike girl chewing gum and unlike telling lies and girl chewing gum this film is a stop motion animation picture. This is when you take thousands of pictures and then make them into a film and speed it up. Also the sound is non diegetic this is because it is a soundtrack with stop motion you can’t have real live sound because it is picture frames not video. This premise of this film is 2 witches want this object and someone comes and steals it so a chase begins by broomstick and then at the end the person gives the witches the object back. This film is defiantly a craft based piece because the director made up a random story just to prove that he can do the stop motion animation as a skill.


CSC MEDIA said...

Also Telling lies is very Visual just not in the standard way.

Very good use of terminology. Maybe you could discuss the pace of the films also?

Great start. Have re-read, possibly add some of the points I have made. Then move on to the next Chapter.

CSC MEDIA said...

"The presence of the film" I think you mean "The premise of the film"

This is good Harry, But you need to discuss the examples around the sujects.i.e Pace and use the examples to explain this. Then move onto another subject i.e soundtrack. Your writing is clear and you express what you want to say well you just need to group your arguments more, and aviod just re-telling the story.