Tuesday 14 October 2008


6. The audiences interpretations are very different because we all have are own opinions so no persons review will ever be the same but could be similar. For girl chewing gum the old technology and black and white and the distasteful camera work which would put off many people like me but some people in my class found it funny so they might of liked it but the film was not of my taste. Telling lies was a comedy that every one loved this is because we all like to have a laugh and have some fun while were watching a film were as when a film is boring people lose the plot and don’t watch it to give a full and proper review everyone in the audience will love this film because they know it’s a true analysis of themselves so they can relate to the film and they feel involved also in Gisele Kerosene the weirdness of the film makes you just want to laugh and that’s what you do while your watching it laugh at the pure brilliance and the pure weirdness of the film it’s a film that makes the audience think as well as laugh and this was for the whole class the reaction to the films were the same as each other but we all have are own opinion on what the films about and we all like different parts of the films and we all hate parts which someone may love. an indervidual interpritation is good and important because when you are going to make another film you know what to change and what to do to make the audiance like it.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Check this for errors. Why is the individual interpretation good or important? Can you explain the relationship the artist has with the audience?