Tuesday 7 October 2008


2. The use of technology has changed in the last 30 years since john smiths girl chewing gum you can tell starting with the camera techniques the camera work and angles are weak in comparison to the stop motion animation of Gisele Kerozene and you can’t compare camera angles with telling lies because there are no camera shots in this film telling lies has a different class of its own because the writing is timed perfectly with the audio soundtrack which is being played also the pace and rhythm of the films are completely different to each other because they are different era’s and different genre’s of film.Were as with koyanataski it is a high product film with a very high budget so they can afford to get the best of everything and get the best cameras in the world and then because the cameras are of a high quality they can get high quality shots were as the other films can't. All the films are modern of there time and of there technology so the technology they use is probably the best they can buy but because we have advanced so far to nowdays it makes films like girl chewing gum look really awful in technology but it is very good to the people of the 70's also it shows that you don't need a big budget to make a film.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Harry remember that a film may have diffrent reasons to use technologie not just the money avalible, "Girl chewing gum" tells you its story without the need for a large budget or technologie. The camera motion has very little to do with the technolgie avalible. Remember you need to view these in the context of the time they were created. Koyaanisqatsi was modern at the time it was created? Try and tie these together and discuss them under the same headings i.e. Effects, Styles or production costs?