Wednesday 17 December 2008


Chris ive posted all my work but my pictures won't upload onto blogger. This has worried me because i don't want this to effect my grade. I am currently trying to work on the problem!!! will this effect my grade ! please can you leave a comment on this post !


My film was called 'The Speed' this was because my film was on the speed of a persons life and how fast they will go to meet someone in this instence his girl friend and how ever fast you go and how fast you want to make it you feel like your stuck in time and you can't go any faster but everyone around you is at a much faster pace then you are.

The strenghts of my film was the music track i picked to go with my film. I found out that if you credited a piece of music and didn't play the whole piece you couldn't be accused of the copyright. The track makes you ask a question of my film were is the boy going and why is this music playing and i answer the question at the very end of my film.

From the feedback of my film people said there were no weakness to my film but i believe that one minor flaw to my film was the speed i think i made it to fast so if i had to be very critical i would say that was the only problem with my film.

Editing was a complete sucess and a complete failure. The computer first shut down on me which cut out all the work i had done and the progress but because i had come to terms with the software after the first blip i had no more problems so editing was good for me apart from the major first problem.

My exhibiton had some of its own problems because the orignal place i wanted to show it i didn't get clearence and so i showed it in college and at my home to my parents and my grandma and they filled in a questionarre for me. I asked them to be as honest as possible because this was a serious showing and i needed to know what i could change also i asked 3 people from my class. I mainly used my class mates opinions of my film.

overall i believe the pre-production and the post production were major sucesses and i was pleased that people like my film and said that it was perfect and i should change nothing about it which was a satisfying and pleasing moment for me and i am pleased with the work i produced as i believe i put 110% into everything i did.


We began filming on the monday at 10.30. Me, Chris , Jill and steph by 11 o'clock the same day filming was postponed because of weather! this was a major set back because steph couldn't film and other day so i had to change parts of my film to fit in someone else which was chris. we resumed filming on the thursday with chris taking the lead role. we managed to get to three bridges in one take and then to the park in crawley in one take which was a real help and my filming was finished with in 1 hour. The next day i began editing which was a failure i had nearly finished the editing and the system closed down with out me saving so i had to resume editing on the monday which i finished then being a fussy person i had to finally tweak my film and it was finished by the tuesday.

Monday 15 December 2008

Questionarre results

do you think my film is a craft or concept based piece?I think it’s a conceptual based pieceits defiantly a concept based pieceI believe it’s a concept piecewhat do you like about the film? and what would you change?I like the way the music goes with the film and I would change nothing.the way the music and the film go together its very clever and I wouldn’t change anything.the film and the music complement each other well and I would not change a thing about the filmOut of 10 what would you rate my film?7 8 10

Friday 12 December 2008


The questions i will be asking the people :
do you think my film is a craft or concept based piece?
what do you like about the film? and what would you change?
Out of 10 what would you rate my film?
A lot of thought went into were I would exhibit my film. The film itself is a fast paced piece and could be shown anywhere I like but the exhibition space had to have some sort of meaning, I decided that I would show it at college on the 12th of december also I would show it as a main piece at my mums work which will be done on Sunday the 14th of December, the film will be shown on a portable dvd and volume full blast so you can hear the soundtrack because it is one of the main parts of my film and adds to the thoughts and feelings and to the craft.