Tuesday 6 January 2009

My Video

1 comment:

Harry EXP video said...

The part of the film we watched a man was trying to kill off Dracula and his wife he comes into their ‘tomb’ and try’s to kill the wife of Dracula that he successfully does. You see Dracula disappear out of his coffin and when the man goes to kill him, Dracula has gone. He then turns and their Dracula is.

the camera angles in Dracula change a lot when he’s looking down into the coffin it’s a high angle and then they change into low angle to look up at the man doing it then at other parts they look straight on at the man that is trying to kill Dracula and his wife.

There are a wide amount of camera shots that are used in this clip. There are long shots when Dracula comes into the room as the mans looking up at him. When the man kills Drac’s wife there is a close up of her face as she changes also there is a tracking shot as he moves to get the stakes that he’ll use to kill them also there are panning shots.

There are hardly any actual speaking lines in the clip we was shown but a lot of noises instead for example when Dracula’s wife is stabbed you hear her scream so this is digetic sound because you can see it happening in the frame.

The lighting used in Dracula is very dim and dark this suits the film because its is about evil and horror so this suits the genre of the film and the way the film has been shot.