Friday 2 July 2010


I decided with my exhabition it should be where i filmed it so the people watching got a true feel for the film. so they knew what the area was like outside of the view on my film. also I decided to ask 2 boys and 2 girls to watch the film and i showed it on an Ipod touch. I chose to show it this way because it was a quick simple but effective way to show the film. I asked the girls whether they thought showing the film in that location made any difference they replied" Yes it does make a difference it's nice to be able to see where a film has been made" the boys gave a same sort of answer. also I asked them whether they like the film and where the locations right? the girls said " the film was kind of confusing but the locations seemed right and it was a genrally good film" on the other hand the boys said" They would have chose different locations to what i chose and they would have filmed it a different way".

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