Wednesday 17 December 2008


Chris ive posted all my work but my pictures won't upload onto blogger. This has worried me because i don't want this to effect my grade. I am currently trying to work on the problem!!! will this effect my grade ! please can you leave a comment on this post !


My film was called 'The Speed' this was because my film was on the speed of a persons life and how fast they will go to meet someone in this instence his girl friend and how ever fast you go and how fast you want to make it you feel like your stuck in time and you can't go any faster but everyone around you is at a much faster pace then you are.

The strenghts of my film was the music track i picked to go with my film. I found out that if you credited a piece of music and didn't play the whole piece you couldn't be accused of the copyright. The track makes you ask a question of my film were is the boy going and why is this music playing and i answer the question at the very end of my film.

From the feedback of my film people said there were no weakness to my film but i believe that one minor flaw to my film was the speed i think i made it to fast so if i had to be very critical i would say that was the only problem with my film.

Editing was a complete sucess and a complete failure. The computer first shut down on me which cut out all the work i had done and the progress but because i had come to terms with the software after the first blip i had no more problems so editing was good for me apart from the major first problem.

My exhibiton had some of its own problems because the orignal place i wanted to show it i didn't get clearence and so i showed it in college and at my home to my parents and my grandma and they filled in a questionarre for me. I asked them to be as honest as possible because this was a serious showing and i needed to know what i could change also i asked 3 people from my class. I mainly used my class mates opinions of my film.

overall i believe the pre-production and the post production were major sucesses and i was pleased that people like my film and said that it was perfect and i should change nothing about it which was a satisfying and pleasing moment for me and i am pleased with the work i produced as i believe i put 110% into everything i did.


We began filming on the monday at 10.30. Me, Chris , Jill and steph by 11 o'clock the same day filming was postponed because of weather! this was a major set back because steph couldn't film and other day so i had to change parts of my film to fit in someone else which was chris. we resumed filming on the thursday with chris taking the lead role. we managed to get to three bridges in one take and then to the park in crawley in one take which was a real help and my filming was finished with in 1 hour. The next day i began editing which was a failure i had nearly finished the editing and the system closed down with out me saving so i had to resume editing on the monday which i finished then being a fussy person i had to finally tweak my film and it was finished by the tuesday.

Monday 15 December 2008

Questionarre results

do you think my film is a craft or concept based piece?I think it’s a conceptual based pieceits defiantly a concept based pieceI believe it’s a concept piecewhat do you like about the film? and what would you change?I like the way the music goes with the film and I would change nothing.the way the music and the film go together its very clever and I wouldn’t change anything.the film and the music complement each other well and I would not change a thing about the filmOut of 10 what would you rate my film?7 8 10

Friday 12 December 2008


The questions i will be asking the people :
do you think my film is a craft or concept based piece?
what do you like about the film? and what would you change?
Out of 10 what would you rate my film?
A lot of thought went into were I would exhibit my film. The film itself is a fast paced piece and could be shown anywhere I like but the exhibition space had to have some sort of meaning, I decided that I would show it at college on the 12th of december also I would show it as a main piece at my mums work which will be done on Sunday the 14th of December, the film will be shown on a portable dvd and volume full blast so you can hear the soundtrack because it is one of the main parts of my film and adds to the thoughts and feelings and to the craft.

Friday 14 November 2008

The exhibition space changes the meaning of a film in many ways because the space it is shown in can be how ever an artist wants it to be inturpreted and people can work out how it is supposed to be positioned also the artist can make the film to fit the exhibition space so an artist can make a whole film on were its being shown. dominque gonsalez shows a film at the top of his exhibition in a big hall not only so the art fits into it its so everyone can see the film and see the work at the same time and his art fit the size of the exhibition hall were as susan hillers peice doesn't it is made to go in the room you watch it in as it fits in perfect the way you show a film depends on how people view it. the way the artist wants it to be inturpated in the room is explained on the outside of the room but the real feel of the exhibition is inside the room it is place once again susan hillers film's are very diffrent and dark and mestirious in the room it is placed compared to dominics were it is place in a big light airy hall were it is rather light and has sound of rain to add to the effect. exhibition space is a very important part of film making you need to know were your airing the film so you can get the way your going to show the film right.

Friday 24 October 2008


Btec National Diploma In Media (Film and TV)


PROGRAMME TITLE: Slow Motion Impact

CAMERA OPERATOR: Harry Gee-Woolley

DURATION: 5 Minuets


AUDIO: Music

I’m going to aim my film to be a film for every body because the message is for everyone not just one age group because the premise of the film is about life and everyone has a life so it applies to all.

My story is on how fast life is about and how people should slow down and not live life in the fast lane. People don’t slow things down in real life they walk fast and talk fast and work fast and in my film I’m going to slow down peoples lives.

or show how hetic life is by having one person going slow with everyone walking around them and cars going fast with someone going really slow so it looks like the worlds going by while there watching it going at the hetic pace.

There are no characters in my film there are only real life people.

Friday 17 October 2008

My Film Overview

My Experimental Film Overview.
Director: Harry Gee-Woolley

Length : Aprox 5 mins

Visual: I want my film to be in colour with and to make it go slow to give the effect of slow it down. I want to do this in the town centre and around college also I would like to try and get somewhere which is unusual and unique with some new ideas of camera angles and weird places to film!

Audio: I want to use some funny music which will make people laugh and think why I have chosen this track because it its notorious of being a very fast track but I am going to slow it down so it’s a very slow track to go with my very slow visual.

Premise: The premise will be that everything in life is at a fast pace so why can’t we slow down and enjoy what life is and how life should be at the pace you want it to be.

thoughts: I want the audience to think about why I have slowed down my film and why ive slowed down the track and I want people to laugh.

Tuesday 14 October 2008


6. The audiences interpretations are very different because we all have are own opinions so no persons review will ever be the same but could be similar. For girl chewing gum the old technology and black and white and the distasteful camera work which would put off many people like me but some people in my class found it funny so they might of liked it but the film was not of my taste. Telling lies was a comedy that every one loved this is because we all like to have a laugh and have some fun while were watching a film were as when a film is boring people lose the plot and don’t watch it to give a full and proper review everyone in the audience will love this film because they know it’s a true analysis of themselves so they can relate to the film and they feel involved also in Gisele Kerosene the weirdness of the film makes you just want to laugh and that’s what you do while your watching it laugh at the pure brilliance and the pure weirdness of the film it’s a film that makes the audience think as well as laugh and this was for the whole class the reaction to the films were the same as each other but we all have are own opinion on what the films about and we all like different parts of the films and we all hate parts which someone may love. an indervidual interpritation is good and important because when you are going to make another film you know what to change and what to do to make the audiance like it.

Friday 10 October 2008


5. The experimental films I have viewed have inspired me and made me think how I can incorporate parts of their films into my work and has give me a big idea for what I want to do like a stop motion animation or black and white or have a text based film or have all these things but in one film its opened my imagination and ideas to anything that is possible. the main way i want to do my slow motion tho is to speed everything up while some one is walking ultra slow to give the idea of hectic.

Tuesday 7 October 2008


3. John smith’s girl chewing gum does have a basic narrative structure but it doesn’t really have much of an introduction but you can see the basic beginning middle and end of this film. Just like Telling lies by Simon Ellis this has a beginning a middle and an end to the film. So does the film Gisele Kerozene it has a brief beginning a brief middle and an ending so all these films compare these features. They all have in common a narrative structure even if some of them are brief. A narraticve is important in most films it is a traditional aspect of films it is important because everyone knows what a narrative is there brains register what a begging a middle and an end is.


2. The use of technology has changed in the last 30 years since john smiths girl chewing gum you can tell starting with the camera techniques the camera work and angles are weak in comparison to the stop motion animation of Gisele Kerozene and you can’t compare camera angles with telling lies because there are no camera shots in this film telling lies has a different class of its own because the writing is timed perfectly with the audio soundtrack which is being played also the pace and rhythm of the films are completely different to each other because they are different era’s and different genre’s of film.Were as with koyanataski it is a high product film with a very high budget so they can afford to get the best of everything and get the best cameras in the world and then because the cameras are of a high quality they can get high quality shots were as the other films can't. All the films are modern of there time and of there technology so the technology they use is probably the best they can buy but because we have advanced so far to nowdays it makes films like girl chewing gum look really awful in technology but it is very good to the people of the 70's also it shows that you don't need a big budget to make a film.


1.The 3 main artists I have chosen are John smith (girl chewing gum), Jan kounen (Gisele Kerozene) and Simon Ellis (telling lies). These films are all very different styles and era’s, for example the girl chewing gum was created in the 1970’s by john smith this film is very different to all the other films firstly it is in black and white were as the other films are in colour secondly there are no actors they are all real people in a real world also it has a very weird sound track because it is non diegetic but you could argue that it is diegetic because he is saying what’s in the frame but it could have been recorded after the piece of footage was made. The premise of the film is to make you believe that he is actually directing the film from were you see the camera but the director isn’t actually there it’s a voice over and then he begins making up stories to the people but it also confuses the audience because when it goes onto a field but with city noises you think why are there cars when we can’t see a car around. This a concept based film because its all about how the director feels about his film not the craft of making it because its just simple footage and the film is at a quite fast pace showing the pace of life really.The only comparison for telling lies by Simon Ellis and John smith’s girl chewing gum is that they are films the comparison ends there. In telling lies, this is different once again to the other films. This film is a text based film, also it is in colour even though it is text because the text changes colour. You could also argue over this film because its not visual so when the soundtrack is playing of the people you could say that its diegetic but then you can say its non diegetic because you can’t actually see the people talking. Also this film is very visual compared to the other films. The premise of this film is telling lies when you are talking to one of your friends or family and you don’t want them to know the truth so you tell them a lie but in your head your thinking about what your saying and really taking the Mick out of the person your talking to! This film is a craft based film the way they get the text to sink in with the peoples voices is a skill which the director has used in a very clever way also the pace of this film is fast and slow depending who “Phil” is talking to.The final film to compare with telling lies and girl chewing gum is Gisele Kerozene. This film is in colour like telling lies and is unlike girl chewing gum and unlike telling lies and girl chewing gum this film is a stop motion animation picture. This is when you take thousands of pictures and then make them into a film and speed it up. Also the sound is non diegetic this is because it is a soundtrack with stop motion you can’t have real live sound because it is picture frames not video. This premise of this film is 2 witches want this object and someone comes and steals it so a chase begins by broomstick and then at the end the person gives the witches the object back. This film is defiantly a craft based piece because the director made up a random story just to prove that he can do the stop motion animation as a skill.

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Gisele Kerozene and Telling Lies

Gisele Kerozene is a particularly weird but wonderful experimental film which has been cleverly crafted. this film is in stop motion animation which shows that the director has a very good skill. this film is colour and has many weird and wacky characters with a sense of humor this film is non digetic even though can see the characters speaking the stop motion means you cannot do it with live sound. the main presence is to show that the director and editors are very skillfull. my opinion of this film is that its very entertaining and very funny and a brilliant example of a film

Telling lies is a very funny and truthful film even though the title is telling lies it is a completly true film. it is done in a very clever and skilled way as the person is talking the text of what there thinking. this is a non digetic film because the voices are off the frame you cannot see who is talking or what they look like. I particually enjoyed this film because of the comedy eliments of the film and the clever and dramatic way the director has used text and the voices to make a real great eliment

Monday 29 September 2008

koyaanisqatski and 1001 nights

koyaanisqatski is an very unique and quite intresting film with its colourful picturs and the main story of this film is the balance of life as its translated by name its a non digestic sound track because its out of the frame you cannot see people talking or anything along thoses lines, my overall opinion is this film can be unintresting but at times can be very enjoyable and quite unique and exciting

the other film we watched was 1001 nights this film was so very diffrent to koyaanisqatski this film was in colour yes but thats all you really compare to koyaanisqatski. 1001 nights just has people sat there with there eyes closed this could represent the people dreaming then they begin speaking with there eyes open one by one and tell diffrent storys which seem weird and dream like!! this is digestic because you can see the people talking and they are in the frame. i found this film quite touching but at times very boring because it took time for the people to change story also it wasnt a very fast paced or entertaning but a very political film

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Brighton Pictures

In the first image is a coke can on a rock. I did this image in the style of martin parr because i believe that it was a fictional image because me and my companion placed the coke can on top of the rock so this image was completely sent up !

the next image is of a piegon this image was set up aswell because we used chocolate to set up this image as the piegon moved toward the chocolate i got this shot and was going to be the only shot i would be able to get so i feel proud that i got such a good picture !

Experimental Video My Opinion

Something that is experimental means that its something your going to try out and start with new endveours . it gives you a chance to play about and see how to use a camera and what its like to make a video before you take on higher and harder videos for bigger tasks.

[adjective] relating to or based on experiment; "experimental physics"
[adjective] relying on observation or experiment; "experimental results that supported the hypothesis"Synonyms:
data-based, observational
[adjective] of the nature of or undergoing an experiment; "an experimental drug"; "a pilot project"; "a test run"; "a trial separation"

experimental is also known as a test. for some one to test out what there abilites and there overall quality of the work they can do also it gets you to find out what you are best at doing so an experimental video is something that you can get to know your own personal abilites.

no jokes with this !